Prayer for deliverance from drugs

Please pray for my friend’s son Matthew. She just discovered her son is addicted to opioids. My friend has tried getting him into counseling and rehab treatment, but Matthew and his wife continue taking drugs. She’s tried talking to them about Jesus, but they rejected Him as well. She’s had to offer him an ultimatum to seek help and stop taking drugs or move out of her home. Her son is moving out. She’s afraid one of two things will happen; that her son will end up in jail or dead. She believes God is good and has a plan for Matthew. Please pray for Matthew and his wife; as well as my friend and her family. Thank you.



Prayer for sister’s surgery

Prayer Warriors at Calvary Chapel, I would so appreciate your prayers for my sister, Gayle, who just learned she will be having heart bypass surgery next week in Houston, and is naturally feeling “uneasy” about it. Please pray God’s supernatural peace will guard her and husband Larry’s hearts and minds as they wait and, of course that the surgery will be successful and free of complications (she’s a lifelong diabetic). They are believers. Heartfelt thanks to all of you! Julie

Prayer for deliverance from pornography

Please pray for Ray. He has been a lifelong addict, alcoholic and addicted to pornography. He is recently sober by the grace of God. He is now going to AA and therapy, but I know the enemy is still after him with a vengeance. Ray is still very much into porn. I’m horrified and ask for prayers that Ray be delivered from this disgusting addiction. I pray that the Lord will teach him the true meaning of love and intimacy as the Holy Bible states. All praise to Jesus! It’s because of the Lord that he is sober now, but the enemy is still trying to make Ray fall. I’ve been recently saved, but this has taken a toll on our relationship; I’ve been with him for 4 years. Please pray for Ray and for me, my name is Jennifer.

Prayer for Salvation

Please pray for my sister-in-law Candace, she's been addicted to pain medications for some time now. She’s abusing them to the point that’s now changing her attitude, moods, and mind. To make matters worse, she met a man that likes to control her, likes doing drugs, and has been in and out of prison all his life. She won't listen to any of her family; the only thing that could save her is Jesus Christ, I truly believe that. Thank you for your prayers.

Prayer for Heart Transplant

Update on Alexis; she just had a birthday and is now 16. Many were praying for her to receive a heart on her birthday. Although that didn't happen, she finally was taken off the ventilator and she is now breathing completely on her own. This was a difficult decision as they want to make certain that she will be able to completely breathe on her own. We still need to pray that she will receive a heart soon, if that's Gods will. Alfred

Prayer for Husband with Cancer

Please pray for my husband who has just been diagnosed with cancer for a second time. My prayer is that God will use this to draw us closer together and grow closer to God. We need a mighty powerful move of God in our personal lives. I also pray that God will help me be a Proverbs 31 woman and wife and that I will be strengthened in my faith to totally trust and rely on God. May my love for my husband and for God greatly increase even more.

Prayer for a marriage

My marriage has fallen apart. My husband been unfaithful and has/had a substance abuse issues. He isn't honest with me or himself. I thought we could save our marriage, but I don't know how. I need prayer for faith, strength and wisdom. We have little children and this has affected my parenting. Please pray for my spouse to know God and for God to soften his heart. Please pray for my sweet children. Please pray that I hear God. Jessica