Praise Report (Prayer for Healing)

Thank you for your prayers for my cousin's two three-month-old babies. They had their hernia surgery today and everything went well. They are doing fine, but will stay overnight at the hospital for observation and if all is well will be home at some point tomorrow. Thanks to God and that He continues to watch over them and thank you again for your prayers.

Prayer for Healing & Salvation

Please pray for my cousin Tiffany's babies. She has triplets that are a little over two months old and two of them have hernias that require surgery. Please pray that everything goes well in surgery and for a speedy recovery. Also, pray for the salvation of my cousin and her husband. Thank you.

Prayer for Healing (Updated)

Please pray for my dad (Luis) regarding his foot & leg. We went to the doctor today and the Dr. said it looks like he could have a blood clot needs an ultrasound. We will get the results either today or tomorrow and if he has a blood clot then he will need to go on blood thinners. If no blood clot, what can be causing this redness and swelling of his leg? Please pray that the cause is found and can be treated, but first please pray for his salvation. Thank you.

Please pray for my dad Luis, he’s 77 years old, has diabetes and tendonitis in his right foot. He recently injured his foot getting into his van and now his leg is swollen and bruised. He’s in a lot of pain and having a hard time walking with his cane. My mother is afraid that he might lose his leg. We are trying to get an appointment with a podiatrist, please pray that an appointment opens and that the doctor will be able to do something for him. Thank you.

Prayer for Healing

Please pray for my sister in Christ, Kathy. she has had tests done due to migraines and nausea and something has been found in her brain and liver. The doctor wants to do a biopsy on Friday. 
Please pray that the procedure could be moved up, but if it does happen on Friday, pray that the procedure goes well. Thank you.

Please pray for Kathy, my sister in Christ who is a cancer survivor. She’s had more health issues lately and pray that they are not serious. Please pray for her family, she has a husband and a teenage daughter. Thank you.

Prayer for Healing

Please pray for my dad Luis, he’s 77 years old, has diabetes and tendonitis in his right foot. He recently injured his foot getting into his van and now his leg is swollen and bruised. He’s in a lot of pain and having a hard time walking with his cane. My mother is afraid that he might lose his leg. We are trying to get an appointment with a podiatrist, please pray that an appointment opens and that the doctor will be able to do something for him. Thank you.

Prayer for Salvation, Healing, Faith & Comfort

Please pray for Tom L, he is at the Hospital in very serious condition. He needs heart cauterization, but the hospital is unable to perform the procedure because his kidneys have failed. He is not a believer and needs Jesus. Please pray that God will touch him and change his heart.

Please pray that God saves his family the pain of losing their father and husband. Please pray for his son Adam whom is a believer, but is in jail and unable to see him. Please for his wife Chris for comfort and God's guidance. Thank you, Tracy


Prayer for Salvation and Healing

Please pray for Rey’s healing and salvation. Rey has cancer and its attacking his internal organs.  His kidneys have failed and he’s now on dialysis three times a week. Today, he’s getting the results at MD Anderson regarding any possible treatment hope.  He is concerned about his current financial situation, unable to work and bills. Rey is not saved, nor his wife or sons. Thank you and God bless you.

Prayer for Salvation, Healing & Restoration

I believe with all my heart that prayer can move mountains. I humbly ask for your prayers for my son Cody, prayers for salvation, healing and restoration. I pray that the strongholds in his life would be broken, that his marriage would be healed and restored. Please pray that I’d know how to minister and witness to him, also for protection for my mind. Thank you so much. Much love to you. Julie