Prayer for Provision

I am waiting to go back to California. I have a job waiting for me, but I am waiting for my background ground clearance. I have my daughter, brother and niece there and here I basically have no one. I need a place to live that I can afford, money and to take care of my daughter that is bipolar, has anxiety and is also facing a divorce. Hopefully, meet a decent Christian man to marry. Also, please good health, I now have afib. (runs in my family). Also, my children and grandchildren. A good church too. Thank you. Amen and Amen. Susan

Prayer for Salvation 

Please stand and intercede with me on behalf of my dear friend Chris's Salvation who is a devout Jehovah's Witness and teacher in his congregation. I ask that the Lord would use the Spirit to convict him and soften his heart to receive the good news of Christ! Chris is very open to discussion and we have had some very honest conversations over the past several months about what we believe the Bible is saying. I pray that the enemy would be bound and unable to interfere with God's plan for Chris' life. I ask the Lord to do a mighty work in this man's heart to bring Himself glory. I stand in the gift of faith that I have received and claim this man for the Kingdom of God. I know the Lord is working and I am excited to see how He will do it, because this seems impossible if I do not look at it through eyes of faith. I ask the Lord to strengthen my faith and secure the armor of God onto me when I have these discussions with Chris. I bind and rebuke the spirit of deception, fear, pride, and anything else that is holding Chris back from seeing the truth of the gospel, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for standing with me in prayer! In Jesus' name amen, Natalie

Prayer for Faith and Grace

A very sweet and loving servant of God, Jenny, just passed away last Tuesday morning. She was my kid's Grandmother and a beautiful human being and true friend. We are all going to miss her tremendously. I am asking for prayer warriors to pray for the family and friends for peace, comfort as well as courage to face the difficulties of not having her presence here anymore. We know she is now in the presence of the Lord, but our selfish nature gets a hold of us sometimes and we also need prayer for that. We are sad because we cannot pick up the phone and talk to her, go visit or ask her how her day was, but we are aware of how she lived her life before to know how she will spend her afterlife now. Her funeral is this Friday and we need strength and courage to help us throughout the day. Yadi

Prayer for Salvation

I really feel lost. I have fallen out of fellowship with Jesus and now I feel like I’m in a deep black hole. I haven't done major sins like drugs, sex, etc. I just feel so far from God and I feel dead inside. Nothing interests me or brings me to life. Suicide is not the answer I know. Not even sure I am saved, although I asked Jesus into my heart many times in life. Thank you

Prayer for Faith and Trust

I’m in my last semester of college, before getting a bachelor’s degree using the GI bill. I still don’t have a clear direction about where I’m headed after I graduate. I started the application process to become a police officer, but I have serious doubts about that. I actually have questions about times in the past when I thought I was led by God and it could be that many of my major directions in the past have been wrong, I don’t know. Please pray that I will get to the place where I can deeply, clearly hear from God. Pray that God will clear out all other voices, so I only hear Him. Pray that He will clear away all the sins and brokenness separating me from hearing from Him. Pray that I will seek Him and seek Him through fasting and prayer until I hear clearly.  Pray for the humility and trust to accept the path He has for me. Thanks, Seth.