Prayer for Salvation

Please pray for David, who’s running from God after his dad passed away some years ago. David is now 18 and struggles with sin, depression etc. Pray for protection, healing, repentance, faith toward Jesus Christ. 
Pray for France, to know the love of God and to rest in HIM.
Pray for Leslie, to know the heavenly Father's love, grace to respond to God's will and purpose. Thank you

Prayer for Wisdom & Restoration

God had been pressing upon me to confess past sins to my husband, and I thought it was best not to say anything since they are in the past and I did not want to cause him the pain of knowing. After all, I had repented and God had transformed me, it was forgiven. So, I've been battling with the thought for about 1 year and I had told God that if he truly wanted me to say something he was going to have to make it super extra clear. Then Friday’s sermon made it loud and clear. He's so amazingly loving. I'd like for your prayers, that God protects his heart, to hear God's voice and ignore Satan. Pray God gives me the wisdom on how to confess and yet know how to provide comfort. To keep me in His will and allow me not to feel offended for any consequence that may come from this. Whatever happens, that Al may fall passionately in love with Jesus. I've been praying for this since last year, when God began something. So, I know He's doing something, I just pray that I have the spiritual strength to sustain what it takes to get him there.Ana

Praise Report! CCSA Street Ministry

God blessed us today again doing Street Ministry! There were 3 people that got Saved. Pray for Javier and Liz (they are polytheistic), Viny (He’s Hindu), Alondra and her Cuban boyfriend who believe in Go, but not ready to commit to Him). Pray for Charles who is a believer and wants to know how God wants to use him. Thank you for your prayerful support of Street Ministry. Aaron

Prayer for Wisdom

Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom in handling finances. I was a medic in the Army for 4 years, and now I’m in college. I’ve given a lot of money away over the years, to different ministries, and haven’t saved. I know God honors giving, but I need balance. Please pray that God will teach me the right balance between giving and saving. Pray that God will teach me to steward my finances wisely, in a righteous, Godly way. Pray for wisdom in where to give, and wisdom in how to save, and where to invest. Thanks for your prayers, Seth

Prayer for Faith

I am and have been going through such a painful time and it seems to be never ending.  I confess my sins daily and I pray, but I feel that I am so spiritually messed up. I don't think God is hearing my prayers. I do read my bible, but I'm having a very difficult time believing it. I am numb and I don't see God’s blessings in my life, especially answers to my prayers. I don't even know how I go on, except that I know Jesus is holding onto me. Please pray that God’s word comes alive to me and that I will develop a greater hunger for it. I need God’s word, but I feel that every effort I make is in vain. I also struggle with depression and even that is getting worse. Thank you.